INFO: krpano 1.21.1 (build 2023-11-23)INFO: Desktop - WebGLINFO: Registered to: 南京设易网络科技有限公司ERROR: layer[skin_layer].layer[skin_btn_fs] - style not found: skin_customERROR: layer[skin_layer].layer[skin_btn_vr] - style not found: skin_customERROR: layer[skin_layer].layer[skin_btn_sound] - style not found: skin_customERROR: layer[skin_layer].layer[rotate] - style not found: skin_customERROR: layer[skin_layer].layer[compare_btn] - style not found: skin_customWARNING: Unknown action: bombtimerWARNING: textfield 'textshadow' is deprecated, use 'txtshadow' instead.ERROR: hotspot[vr_cursor] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: hotspot[skin_webvr_prev_scene] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: hotspot[skin_webvr_next_scene] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: hotspot[hotspot62007638] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: hotspot[hotspot62007853] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: hotspot[hotspot62007931] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: layer[skin_video_playpause] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: layer[skin_buttonglow] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: layer[skin_btn_prev_fs_icon] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: layer[skin_btn_next_fs_icon] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: layer[skin_thumbs_scrollleft] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: layer[skin_thumbs_scrollright] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: layer[skin_btn_fs] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: layer[skin_btn_vr] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: layer[skin_btn_sound] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: layer[skin_btn_gyro] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: layer[rotate] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: layer[compare_btn] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: layer[iconview] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: layer[jelogo] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: layer[avatar_1] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: layer[skin_btn_thumbs] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: layer[skin_thumb_0] - loading of '' failed!ERROR: loading of '' failed!ERROR: loading of '' failed!ERROR: loading of '' failed!ERROR: loading of '' failed!ERROR: loading of '' failed!